Month: August 2016


Coming soon! AWS on Facebook

25 Aug 2016

By Cornelia Griggs Like most surgical residents, I used to think of social media as an easy way to connect with friends, to discover interesting articles, and a way to occupy my hands during the (f...


Social Media

18 Aug 2016

By Stephanie Bonne  This month, AWS is exploring social media and it’s use.  While I’m no expert and others have certainly had more experience, I have learned a great deal about social media ...


Looking Beyond 2016 for Women in Surgery

12 Aug 2016

By Shree Agrawal When I was seven years old, I remember sitting in front of the television watching in awe of Hillary and Bill Clinton at one of his presidential addresses.  I grew up watching her...


The HPV Vaccination Debate

05 Aug 2016

By Nickey Jafari It can be easy to take for granted important public health measures when we have no real memory of what they prevent. It is hard to think of a better example of this than vaccines....