By Shree Agrawal Hopefully many of you were following along on Twitter for the #AWSchat that happened this past Monday. If not, we summarize some highlights and pearls of wisdom from the virtual ...
Navigating Your Surgical Career
The AWS Clinical Practice Committee will be discussing Navigating Your Surgical Career: The AWS Guide to Success. Many of us only wish we could have had access to a resource like this at the beg...
Residency Applications: The Curriculum Vitae
By Mary Brandt This article originally appeared on Dr. Brandt's blog, the wellnessrounds. Other than the personal statement, there is nothing more distressing to medical students applying for a...
May We Never Forget
15 years later it still seems as vivid as yesterday. I woke up to my daily radio show hosts speaking with panic and confusion. A plane had accidentally crashed into one of the twin towers. As my famil...
Have You Thought About Your Ovaries Lately?
By Shree Agrawal This month, AWS is focusing on ovarian cancer awareness. But really, why does all of this matter? Ovarian cancer is the leading cause of death from a gynecologic malignancy, affect...
Beyond the Basics of Tweeting
By Heather Yeo As we continue to explore social media in academic and clinical medicine at AWS this month we wanted to create a practical guide for physician clinicians and researchers interested i...