Month: October 2016


What It Means to Me To Be A Breast Cancer Surgeon

27 Oct 2016

By Lillian Erdahl I am often asked why I chose to pursue breast surgery out of all the surgical subspecialties. It took me a long time to find this career. When I was a little girl, I dreamed o...


Your AWS/ACS Social Media Guide

14 Oct 2016

By the AWS Blog Subcommittee We are looking forward to kicking off the Association of Women Surgeons Annual Meeting and American College of Surgeons Clinical Congress this weekend. This goes slight...


Just Like Your Mother Told You

07 Oct 2016

By Kandace Peterson McGuire I think, at this point in our lives, we have all realized that our mothers are/were very wise women. So what did your mother tell you when you were growing up? G...