Month: November 2016


The Importance of Palliative Care for Surgeons

25 Nov 2016

There are times when a surgeon cannot offer treatment that will cure a disease or even alleviate symptoms. Palliative Care is about more than alleviating suffering at the end of life. It means using t...


Be Kind: A Self-Discovery to Self-Care

18 Nov 2016

By Shree Agrawal “Self-care” is a buzzword I hear often, especially as both a medical student and a yogi.  Wellness experts say nourishing yourself is the crux in your care of others, and eve...


Informatics and Surgery

12 Nov 2016

By Jane Zhao I am currently taking two years out from my general surgery residency to complete a clinical informatics fellowship. The most common question I am asked is: What is clinical informatic...


AWS Joins Instagram!

03 Nov 2016

By Melany Hughes “A picture is worth a thousand words.” “Take a picture. It will last longer.” “Seeing is believing” These clichés are ones we all know well. But today, we want the As...