Month: July 2017


Perception of Personal Success in Burnout

27 Jul 2017

By Shree Agrawal In the preclinical years of medical school, the idea of burnout among healthcare workers is more of an abstract concept. The unique environment of healthcare, regardless of specialty...


Success is a Journey

20 Jul 2017

By Jaime D. Lewis, MD Advancement up the academic ladder from grade school through college and medical school was measured by meeting well-defined milestones along a smooth and narrow pathway. Resi...


#DearIntern: Social Media Mentorship to the Max

12 Jul 2017

By Marissa A. Boeck In April 2015, Dr. Amalia Cochran had an idea. The United States Match Day had come and gone, and while most fourth year medical students were enjoying their last moments of unb...