Month: August 2017


For When the Pipe Bursts

30 Aug 2017

By Shree Agrawal Approximately half of matriculated medical students identify as female with numbers in surgical training steadily increasing to potentially also account for half of postgraduate tr...


Golden August

24 Aug 2017

By Camila R. Guetter Created in 1992 by the World Alliance for Breastfeeding Action (WABA), the World Breastfeeding Week completed its 25th edition this year. During the first week of August, campa...


AWS Day of Service 9/9/17

17 Aug 2017

By Simin G. Roward Being a medical student is challenging: between studying, rotations and research, it seems there isn’t enough time for everything. Often, it's easy to lose track of why we chos...



09 Aug 2017

By Beth Shaughnessy This lifestyle we have chosen seems to come in 4-5 year runs, Each new phase of training means we may have to pick up and move somewhere else, again. At least until we get that ...


Breast is Best, Supporting Mothers Is Better

02 Aug 2017

By Nickey Jafari My rotation in obstetrics & gynecology (OB/GYN) was full of emotional moments, and the first time I witnessed a mom breastfeed her baby was one of my favorites; in a culture th...