Month: April 2018


Dear Pat responds to “I’m the Boss”

29 Apr 2018

Dear Pat, My intern is a tall, white male. Every morning on rounds I introduce myself as the Chief Resident and state the roles of everyone on the team. However, patients continue to direct their q...


Earth Day: Reducing OR Waste

24 Apr 2018

By Shaleen Sathe The Association of Women Surgeons hosts an annual “Greening the OR” Contest to celebrate Earth Day and to bring innovative proposals for environmental sterwardship in the fiel...


Diversity & Inclusion in Surgery

17 Apr 2018

By Shree Agrawal Join in our upcoming Tweetchat in partnership with Association of Academic Surgery (AAS) on Monday, April 23, 8 pm ET. To participate, be sure to follow the moderators for this chat...


The Dickey Amendment: Low-Hanging Fruit

04 Apr 2018

In the wake of the mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in February, the national discussion about gun violence has been reignited as evidenced by the subsequent student-led protests ...