Month: January 2019


Dear Pat responds to Not Over It Yet

28 Jan 2019

Dear Pat,   A patient that I had been following for several weeks died a few days ago, and I can't seem to stop feeling upset about it. I talked about it with my colleague and he told me to...


Gimme Shelter

23 Jan 2019

By Alyssa Brown         “It’s just a shot away, it’s just a shot away,” blared the music in the OR.   There was a flurry of hands and spurts of blood. But I should start at the be...


Dealing with Bullying

17 Jan 2019

By Hilary Sanfey MB. BCh. MHPE, FACS, FRCSEd (hon) Bullying is a persistent pattern of mistreatment that includes verbal, nonverbal, psychological, or physical abuse and humiliation. The behavior i...


Successful Grant Application Writing

14 Jan 2019

By Luz María Rodriguez MD, FACS This is the first of a series focusing on the components involved in writing a successful grant application. Surgeons by nature are natural scientists. Our curi...


Getting There from Here

02 Jan 2019

By Elizabeth Shaughnessy Much is said and written about beginning one’s surgical career; however less so about advancement.   I am always curious about others who advance. How did they get ther...