Month: June 2019


Egg Freezing Facts for Female Physicians

27 Jun 2019

By Anu Kathiresan As women in medicine, we are always focused on the next goal we need to achieve to advance our career. Though undergraduate education, medical school, residency, and fellowship, ...


Fail Better

20 Jun 2019

By Anne Mongiu This unexpected invitation to write a post for AWS coincided with an equally unexpected phone call from my closest friend from medical school. She had resigned from her rather subst...


Dear Intern

09 Jun 2019

By Melissa Herrin When I first considered writing a blog titled #DearIntern, my instinct was that I should be the last person giving advice. Everyone around me seemed to be gliding through residen...


Remember: You’re Strong enough!

05 Jun 2019

The AWS blog is thrilled to recognize the experience and accomplishments of women surgeons around the world.  While women surgeons share many common experiences, we differ in our cultural norms,...