Month: October 2019


Leading by Example: Pioneering Women Chairs of Surgery in the Bay Area

24 Oct 2019

By Hillary Braun and Marissa Boeck Dr. Nancy Ascher Dr. Diana Farmer Dr. Mary Hawn Dr. Julie Ann Sosa Impressively, Stanford University, University of California, Davis (UCD), and Uni...


Dream Audaciously

17 Oct 2019

By Sharon Stein When did being ambitious become a bad thing? When I was growing up, my three favorite heroes were JFK, Martin Luther King and Mother Theresa. I remember my early reader book ser...


Fixing the Leaky Pipeline

09 Oct 2019

By Daisy Cruz As a Latina in medicine, I am acutely aware of how many of the spaces I am occupying on a day-to-day basis have not been created for women who look like myself. I find ways to make m...


An Incomplete Solution

02 Oct 2019

By Elizabeth Lim As a medical student and an aspiring surgeon, I enjoy when there is a definite solution or an answer to a problem. The level of satisfaction knowing that something is fixable is i...