By Patricia Martinez Quinones “Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail” - Ralph Waldo Emerson Imagine receiving an email that you have been selec...
Being Non-Traditional in a Historically Traditional Field
By Jackelyn Moya My first memory of being in a space where I was treated in a “traditional” manner was during my senior year in high school. My counselor was creating my schedule for my fin...
Confessions of an Ill-Equipped Third-Year Medical Student
By Alyssa Brown “Wrong, Wrong, Wrong, Wrong”, called the attending from his swivel chair. It was my first day of third year. I had been placed at the Veterans Association hospital (VA) for a card...
Mentorship: Vital to Women on Both Sides of the Relationship
By Erin M. Corsini, MD and Mara B. Antonoff, MD As surgical trainees, we have a tendency to think of mentorship as a one-way street, a gift that is bestowed down from those with great experienc...
Finding Our Way Back to Translational Research
By Anna Garcia Whitlock, MD Banting - Metabolism, Huggins - Oncology, Murray - Immunology. These are three of the nine surgeons who’ve won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. To me, it see...