Month: June 2022


Essentials for the Zoom Interview Trail

30 Jun 2022

By Alyssa Brown In the summer of 2021, I moved back to Louisville with a 12 foot moving truck full of stuff—ready to start my last year of medical school. I was aware that I would need things for Z...


“Dear Intern”, welcome to residency!

20 Jun 2022

By Camila R. Guetter Dear soon-to-be interns, congratulations on finishing medical school and welcome to residency! You are about to embark upon a very challenging but rewarding journey. In residency...


The Same but Different

10 Jun 2022

By Priya Dedhia, MD, PhD Emily was one of my first friends when I started as an attending surgeon. It was like we were destined to be friends—during the shutdown in March 2020, Emily texted me when...