This post originally appeared in Hot Heels, Cool Kicks, & a Scalpel Dear Young Woman Considering a Career in Surgery, It was lovely to meet you the other day. Many times a month, ...
Learning New Roles
By Joanelle A. Bailey, M.D. My last call of my intern year is on June 30th, which means that I will be supervising the new incoming interns when they come to care for patients for their first time ...
June is National Safety Month
As a trauma surgeon, I should be thinking about safety all the time, and writing about it should be easy. But when I really sat and thought about safety, I found that it’s more difficult than one ...
Unconscious Bias Twitter Chat
Save the Date (Put it in your calendar, as you read this post!): May 24 8 PM EST Twitter chat with Amalia Cochran about unconscious bias. Dr. Cochran will be hosting a virtual chat on Twitter about...
The Start of a New AWS Chapter
By Sarah Armenia One of the best aspects of AWS is the amazing support its members in training and practice and committees show medical student members. I have experienced this support firsthand at...
#SurgStory(ies): Why do we do it?
By Joel Adler (with special guests Niraj Gusani and Heather Yeo) Rise of Twitter in Surgery: It’s no secret that there is a growing community of medical students, surgeons-in-training, and surgeo...
The Impact of Shared Experience
Reflections from the Panamerican Trauma Society/Association of Women Surgeons’ Women in Surgery Panel at the 28th Panamerican Trauma Congress in Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia By Marissa Boeck ...
Food for Thought: Surgery and Public Health
By Nickey Jafari This week, I want to discuss where surgery and public health intersect. First, a little personal background: I took a global public health class with Dr. Debra DeLaet at Drake Univ...
Food for Thought: President Obama’s SOTU Cancer Promise – Is It Possible?
Below are just two examples of promises President Obama has made to “cure cancer”: 2009 address to Congress: “Our recovery plan … will launch a new effort to conquer a disease that has touche...
Inspiring & Encouraging Women Surgeons Blog
by Minerva Romero Arenas, MD, MPH It was only a month ago that thousands of surgeons met in Chicago for the annual American College of Surgeons Clinical Congress. Just days before, however, over 15...