Dear Pat, I was scrubbed in a case in the OR last week and my attending seemed to be very upset with me. Nothing in particular had happened, and I couldn't identify what the problem was. She and I...
#DearPat turns one: a look at the past year
It’s Dear Pat’s anniversary! This month marks the one-year anniversary of the #DearPat column, which was created in 2018 as a collaborative effort between the Association of Women Surgeons (AWS) R...
Dear Pat responds to Not Over It Yet
Dear Pat, A patient that I had been following for several weeks died a few days ago, and I can't seem to stop feeling upset about it. I talked about it with my colleague and he told me to...
Dear Pat responds to Offended and Humiliated
Dear Pat, I went to see a consult the other day in the ED, and the patient kindly informed me that he wanted a different doctor because he felt that "women can't be real doctors." I was so mortif...
Dear Pat responds to Missing Mentors
Dear Pat, Many of my male faculty have suggested that I find a female mentor to help me with career development. However, we have a handful of female faculty at my program, and I do not have a clos...
Dear Pat responds to Surgical Oncology Hopeful
Dear Pat, I am a second-year general surgery resident interested in a surgical oncology fellowship. I come from a community general surgery program without the opportunity for basic science research ...
Dear Pat responds to “Please Call Me Doctor”
Dear Pat, I am a junior general surgery resident rotating at a new hospital. No matter if I’m wearing my badge which says MD in large letters or my white coat which also says MD on it, patients a...
Dear Pat Responds to Surgeon-Mother-to-Be
Dear Pat, I’m a second-year surgery resident and somewhat older than my co-residents. I am considering getting pregnant during residency, but I am unsure if my co-residents will be supportive. I ...
Dear Pat responds to “I’m the Boss”
Dear Pat, My intern is a tall, white male. Every morning on rounds I introduce myself as the Chief Resident and state the roles of everyone on the team. However, patients continue to direct their q...