by: Carol EH Scott-Conner, MD, PhD, MBAWhen I finished surgical residency and took my first job as an Assistant Professor, I emerged from a fog of chronic sleep deprivation and became conscious, as if...
The 2013 AWS Foundation Awards
by: Susan Kaiser, MD, PhD, FACSAWS Foundation AwardsMonday, October 7, 2013Washington DCDr. Susan Pories & Dr. Joyce MajureThe Nina Starr Braunwald Award (given first to Claude Organ MD in 1993), ...
Health and Surgical Residency
By: Bharti Jasra, MDPeople like me are more interested in talking about healthy living than actually living it, since our lifestyles are often the direct opposite of healthy. This article is based on ...
Strategies for Wellness in Medical School
by Sophia K. McKinley Medical school presents multiple threats to wellness: USMLE exams, demanding rotation schedules, and weeks of residency interview travel all pose challenges to healthy...
Practical Wellness Tips to Surviving Residency
by: Brittany Bankhead-Kendall, MS, MD In medical school, I remember the first week of orientation they had a lecture on wellness and all the pieces of the theoretical "wellness pie" that we should ...
by Mary Brandt, MDDear Dr. Brandt, I enjoy your blog very much. As a second year medical student, I know that my peers and I all struggle with what we view as ‘failure’ at some point or anot...
Can we have an AWS Visiting Professor every year?
Submitted by: Dr. Jane WeyCCF Chair of Surgery: Dr. Matt WalshSummary of VisitAWS Kim Ephgrave Visiting Professor Dr. Tuttle-Newhall Cleveland ClinicMarch 4-5, 2014Dr. Tuttle-Newhall arrived on March ...
A place of our own
by Amalia Cochran, MDApparently there are a number of men who, upon hearing about a women surgeon’s activity will state, “We don’t get to have a men in surgery group!” This statement is both t...
“You’ve matched to a Preliminary position.”
by Brittany Bankhead-Kendall, M.D, M.Sc. Every medical student looks forward to "Match Day." Even non-medical people know what this "match day" is . . . . they hear about it from us, read it on our...
Changing Gender Paradigms
Original blog post by Dr. Paula Ferrada (February 22, 2014) can be found on OnSurg's blog. While reading an innocuous post regarding dating female doctors, I came across a comment that ...