by Ashley Martinez I stared back at her feet in four-inch heels as I lay under my mother’s desk, awakening from my nap. A single mother of three, my mother worked what seemed like all hours of...
First-Generation Immigrants in Medicine: Overcoming the Challenges
By Juliana Ampadu Otiwaah My Journey As a first-generation immigrant, my path to becoming a doctor was far from straightforward. My family immigrated from Ghana to Canada nearly 30 years ago. My f...
Being a First Generation Immigrant from India: Breaking Down Stereotypes about “Model Minorities”
By Gopika SenthilKumar, PhD I still remember the news of the 2008 economic crash playing everywhere within a few weeks of us arriving in the US. As a first-generation immigrant family, this meant the...
Growing Up Iranian-American
Sophie Dream, MD, MPH My father moved to Chicago at a young age. He and his father had applied for him to get a visa to come to the United States to further his education. The day my father’...
Navigating Professional Development Time: What Are My Priorities?
By: Ariana Naaseh, MD, MPHS Often the first thing I get asked by friends and family regarding residency is “So what year are you in now?” followed by “So what exactly are you doing?” These qu...
Living at the Intersection of Person and Surgeon
By: Priyanka V. Chugh MD, MS When I started medical school, nearly ten years ago, I had an idea of what a surgeon looked like. Largely rooted in the perspective of the media, it was “supposed”...
The Imprint of 3D-Printing in Health: A Students Perspective
In a technology driven world, the abundance of information and ease of communication has influenced every aspect of our lives. Not only has it affected the way we interact as humans, but it provided ...
Cultivating Hobbies Throughout Training: How our Passions Keep us Human
By Hannah Soltani Throughout training as a medical student, resident, fellow, or attending, we are all faced withincreasing responsibilities that make us feel as though there just aren’t enough ...
Trauma-Informed Care Deserves a Stronger Spotlight in Surgery
By Sara Campbell, OMS-IV Trigger Warning: The following blog post contains mentions of sexual assault. A few months ago, I was catching up with one of my close friends when she told me about a rece...
The Balance Beam
By Sara Ashai There are days where everything goes wrong, but there are also days where everything goes right. Most days, we sit somewhere in the middle. Our voice stays quiet some days, some days it...