By Anne Fabrizio Buttocks. Butt. Bum. Booty. Badonkadonk. That’s just a few ways we refer to our bottoms. We speak freely about our rear ends when it comes to dancing or working out....
Save your rear
Mar 2019
By Anne Fabrizio Buttocks. Butt. Bum. Booty. Badonkadonk. That’s just a few ways we refer to our bottoms. We speak freely about our rear ends when it comes to dancing or working out....
During my third year rotation, I experienced the terror of an anastomotic leak. This patient had previously had a resection of his colon cancer and had undergone chemotherapy. Three weeks later, he wa...
By Ainhoa Costas Chavarri, MD, MPH, FACS Last week I gave a chat on breast cancer to a Rwandan women’s sewing cooperative group. As I spoke, via a local surgery resident who acted as translator, ...
By Minerva Romero Arenas The new year brings with it a time to reflect on the past, the present, and the future. Inspired by the writers the past few weeks, I also took the opportunity to reflect o...