Tag: injury prevention


When Disaster Strikes

15 Oct 2017

By Dr. Minerva Romero Arenas #HoustonStrong #HurricaneIrma #FuerzaMéxico #PRstrong #VegasStrong Our world has been in the midst of what seems like an endless series of tragedies. This blog star...


Look for the Helpers – A Surgeon-in-Training’s Thoughts on the Orlando Shooting

16 Jun 2016

By Brittany Bankhead-Kendall As events unfold and I wonder if some day my own trauma pager will have the words "mass casualty" on it, and on how sad that is, I am reminded of a great quote: "Whe...


June is National Safety Month

10 Jun 2016

As a trauma surgeon, I should be thinking about safety all the time, and writing about it should be easy.  But when I really sat and thought about safety, I found that it’s more difficult than one ...