Tag: intern year


Common Sense Karaoke: Tips and Tunes for Internship from Our Playlist to Yours

19 Jun 2021

By Sara Swango, Jeremy Kauffman, Erin Feeney If you are reading this and are a newly-minted surgery intern - congratulations! You’ve put in tremendous time and effort to arrive at this point and ac...


A Reflection on My Intern Year

27 May 2021

By Joy Ayemoba Today I am fewer than six weeks from completing my intern year. Like many of my peers the transition from medical student to physician was a difficult one at best. The excitement to do...


Dear Intern

09 Jun 2019

By Melissa Herrin When I first considered writing a blog titled #DearIntern, my instinct was that I should be the last person giving advice. Everyone around me seemed to be gliding through residen...


You Matched, Now What?

08 Apr 2019

By Camila Guetter Congratulations! After years of preparation and a long interview trail, you have matched! And although this very important step is finally over, another even more crucial journey...