By Sara Swango, Jeremy Kauffman, Erin Feeney If you are reading this and are a newly-minted surgery intern - congratulations! You’ve put in tremendous time and effort to arrive at this point and ac...
A Reflection on My Intern Year
By Joy Ayemoba Today I am fewer than six weeks from completing my intern year. Like many of my peers the transition from medical student to physician was a difficult one at best. The excitement to do...
Reflecting and Progressing Forward: A Chat with Two Incoming Interns
By Elisa Atamian, MD, MS, and Joy Ayemoba, MD, MSc When I (Elisa) volunteered to write for the AWS blog over 7 months ago, I assumed I would submit a piece that reflected on my experience as an Integ...
Dear Intern
By Melissa Herrin When I first considered writing a blog titled #DearIntern, my instinct was that I should be the last person giving advice. Everyone around me seemed to be gliding through residen...
You Matched, Now What?
By Camila Guetter Congratulations! After years of preparation and a long interview trail, you have matched! And although this very important step is finally over, another even more crucial journey...