Tag: Resident Mentor


The Many Forms of Mentorship

18 Oct 2021

By Hope Feldman and Rebecca Hoffman A mentor is defined in the dictionary as “an experienced and trusted advisor.” This may be an accurate definition, but it is rather vague. It does not begin to...


Dear Pat responds to Missing Mentors

01 Oct 2018

Dear Pat, Many of my male faculty have suggested that I find a female mentor to help me with career development. However, we have a handful of female faculty at my program, and I do not have a clos...


Oh What A Night: An Interns Guide to Staying Afloat

06 Sep 2018

By Rachael Sundland As a brand new baby intern, the prospect of starting off with a month of night call feels like someone has just handed you the keys to a cruise ship and asked you to sail across t...


Closing the Gap: Making History at Tulane

11 Jul 2018

Gender disparities and inequality in the workplace has been a subject of much discussion in the past century. Thanks to the relentless struggle and arduous fighting that many men and women have ignite...


An Open Letter to AWS Members from Communications Committee

22 Feb 2018

Two years ago, a friend and mentor approached me and asked me to help manage the communications team for AWS. Like I do with most things, I approached this with gusto. I got organized, made lists, set...