By Tamar Nobel, MD “In any given moment we have two options: to step forward into growth or step back into safety.” - Abraham Maslow The darker sides of the COVID-19 pandemic have been well doc...
An Open Letter to AWS Members from Communications Committee
Two years ago, a friend and mentor approached me and asked me to help manage the communications team for AWS. Like I do with most things, I approached this with gusto. I got organized, made lists, set...
When the Storm Clears: A New Perspective
For 14 days after Hurricane Maria hit Puerto Rico, I had no way of knowing if my parents were dead or alive. They’re fine, I told myself. Our house is not in a flood-prone area. The roof and walls a...
Why I Joined AWS
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.” – Margaret Mead I have been incredibly blessed in my life...
When Disaster Strikes
By Dr. Minerva Romero Arenas #HoustonStrong #HurricaneIrma #FuerzaMéxico #PRstrong #VegasStrong Our world has been in the midst of what seems like an endless series of tragedies. This blog star...
To Look in the Mirror and Not See Further than My Neck
By: Natalie Tully January is Thyroid Cancer Awareness Month. As you may have read in an earlier blog post, thyroid cancer is the most prevalent cancer in young women under 25. This is the story of ...
A cancer of young women
By Minerva Romero Arenas The new year brings with it a time to reflect on the past, the present, and the future. Inspired by the writers the past few weeks, I also took the opportunity to reflect o...
Dressing Your Best, Inside Out
By: Natalie Tully Every year after the post-midnight New Year’s celebrations wind down, we each start the all-too familiar process of declaring resolutions for the coming twelve months. In that s...
By JS I recently completed a 1-year hospital based fellowship that is designed to provide faculty and staff with the expertise and skills needed to advance academic careers in medical education. ...