Tag: Surgical Education


Is Surgery for Me?

16 Mar 2022

By Ariana Naaseh, MD I was one of the medical students who always swore there was absolutely no way I’d become a surgeon. I’d heard too many stories about surgeon personalities and the terrible a...


Coming Home

26 Aug 2021

By Alyssa Brown I left Louisville 2 years and 51 weeks ago- now I am back. When I moved to Minnesota to get my PhD, I knew that I would come back. It was always a temporary goodbye to the hospital. G...


A Reflection on My Intern Year

27 May 2021

By Joy Ayemoba Today I am fewer than six weeks from completing my intern year. Like many of my peers the transition from medical student to physician was a difficult one at best. The excitement to do...


Code Blue

01 Jan 2021

By Rachel Salinas The first code blue that I ever witnessed was called on my grandfather during my third year of medical school. He had been in the ICU for seven weeks after there were unexpected com...


Residents on the Front Lines in NYC

02 Aug 2020

By Tamar Nobel, MD  “In any given moment we have two options: to step forward into growth or step back into safety.” - Abraham Maslow The darker sides of the COVID-19 pandemic have been well doc...