By Jaime Lewis and Virginia Shaffer This blog entry is the second in a series of six blogs authored by members of the AWS Clinical Practice Committee writing in collaboration with our society liaison...
Residents on the Front Lines in NYC
By Tamar Nobel, MD “In any given moment we have two options: to step forward into growth or step back into safety.” - Abraham Maslow The darker sides of the COVID-19 pandemic have been well doc...
Leadership in Surgery
By Lilah Morris-Wiseman, MD This is a story about leadership in surgery. I was in my third year of post-training, independent private practice and had been dealing with a disastrous complication. W...
Dear Pat Responds to “In Need of Feedback”
Dear Pat, I was scrubbed in a case in the OR last week and my attending seemed to be very upset with me. Nothing in particular had happened, and I couldn't identify what the problem was. She and I...
#DearPat turns one: a look at the past year
It’s Dear Pat’s anniversary! This month marks the one-year anniversary of the #DearPat column, which was created in 2018 as a collaborative effort between the Association of Women Surgeons (AWS) R...
Not All Surgeons Fit the Stereotype
I recently went to my high school reunion where a classmate said to me “you seem too nice to be a surgeon”. It was a reminder to me that the stereotype of the mean, angry surgeon as recently discu...
#Dearintern…tips for success that every surgical intern should know
#DearIntern, Welcome to one of the most wonderful vocations in the world. We have the ability to heal, to comfort, and to cure. It is both humbling and rewarding to walk into an operating room ...
Dear Pat responds to “I’m the Boss”
Dear Pat, My intern is a tall, white male. Every morning on rounds I introduce myself as the Chief Resident and state the roles of everyone on the team. However, patients continue to direct their q...
This past Monday, November 27th, the Association of Women Surgeons (AWS) Clinical Practice Committee carried out a very insightful Tweetchat discussing The Ideal Team Player, a book by Patrick Lencion...
The Ideal Team Player
By Jean Miner, MD In all aspects of our lives, we are members of a “team”. We are members of our family “team” first and then head to school at a young age and are paired off on the playgro...