By Kimberly B Hoang The job search for the first attending position is likely the first time in over a decade where surgical trainees face real choices and autonomy regarding their future. Before thi...
Mental Health and Wellness in Surgery: An Upcoming Tweetchat
By Dr. Scarlett Hao and Dr. Halle Ellison A critical point to address when discussing wellness is the lack of shared understanding in the language we use to think and talk about wellness. We use word...
Being a Surgeon and a Mother
By Allison Letica-Kriegel and Erika Rangel From a young age, I wanted to be a doctor. First a veterinarian, then a pediatrician, and finally a surgeon. I think, actually, I’ve always identified a...
Implicit Bias
By Jessica G.Y. Luc, Lauren C. Kane, HelenMari Merritt-Genore, and Mara B. Antonoff There have been great strides made in the number of women and in the diversity of trainees entering surgery in re...
Uplifting women surgeons: BMC Chief Residents’ Voices
By Jennifer F. Tseng Women in surgery are diverse; how can we support them? I have watched with great pride as our graduating Chief Residents at Boston Medical Center and Boston University School...
An Eye for the Overlooked: An Upcoming TweetChat on Rural Surgery
By Shan S. Lansing, MD Access to healthcare has been an increasing concern in the United States for the last several decades. Since 2010, over 130 US rural hospitals have closed, most commonly due ...
Nineteen perspectives on COVID-19: How the pandemic impacted women in training for plastic and reconstructive surgery
By the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine medical students and Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery residents: Erica Lee, Helen Xun, Sai Pinni, Pooja Yesantharao, Chao Long, Wilmina Landford, ...
Women are not Smaller Men: The Importance of Inclusivity in the Surgical Field
By Monique Hassan On August 31st, the Association of Women Surgeons co-hosted a tweetchat with @SAGES_Updates to discuss inclusiveness in the operating room and in the surgical field. The tweetchat...
In a World of Social Distancing, Getting Personal in Your Residency (or Fellowship) Application
By Jaime Lewis This year is a curious year, a once in a century, one in a lifetime sort of year. And for some of you reading this blog, the year will coincide with other once in a lifetime events. I ...
The Jill of All Trades
By Joy Alvarado I was once a general surgery enthusiast. I stood steadfast in my belief in the renaissance surgeon, and convinced many others that our nation was in dire need of a general surgery rev...