Tag: trauma


How was your day?

02 Sep 2021

By Alyssa Brown How was your day? This is always such a loaded question. It also probably explains why I don’t call my family and non-medical friends as much while I’m on the trauma ICU rotation....


Trauma in the Time of COVID

10 May 2020

By Jeff Claridge and Lillian Kao As trauma surgeons and acute care surgeons, we are available 24/7 for all types of emergencies and crises. We often find ourselves at the epicenter of disasters, such...


Look for the Helpers – A Surgeon-in-Training’s Thoughts on the Orlando Shooting

16 Jun 2016

By Brittany Bankhead-Kendall As events unfold and I wonder if some day my own trauma pager will have the words "mass casualty" on it, and on how sad that is, I am reminded of a great quote: "Whe...


June is National Safety Month

10 Jun 2016

As a trauma surgeon, I should be thinking about safety all the time, and writing about it should be easy.  But when I really sat and thought about safety, I found that it’s more difficult than one ...