Tag: Tweetchat


Tweetchatting 101

05 Oct 2022

By Camila R. Guetter, MD MPH The Internet and social media have expanded our ways to communicate and interact with one another. In medicine and research, the Internet facilitates discussions and scie...


“Dear Intern”, welcome to residency!

20 Jun 2022

By Camila R. Guetter Dear soon-to-be interns, congratulations on finishing medical school and welcome to residency! You are about to embark upon a very challenging but rewarding journey. In residency...


The Many Forms of Mentorship

18 Oct 2021

By Hope Feldman and Rebecca Hoffman A mentor is defined in the dictionary as “an experienced and trusted advisor.” This may be an accurate definition, but it is rather vague. It does not begin to...


Implicit Bias

16 Aug 2021

By Jessica G.Y. Luc, Lauren C. Kane, HelenMari Merritt-Genore, and Mara B. Antonoff  There have been great strides made in the number of women and in the diversity of trainees entering surgery in re...