By Whitney Jin I currently attend medical school in the Texas Medical Center (TMC)—the largest medical center in the world. It truly is its own concrete jungle–I joke that while looking for apart...
Destination Wellness- The Intellectual and Spiritual Domains
By Nikita Machado “Physician, heal thyself!” Across history, these words have been attributed to different sources, including Jesus in the Gospel of Luke, the Genesis Rabbah in 300 B.C, and the G...
Destination Wellness – The Physical Domain
By Dr. Jaime D. Lewis The Clinical Practice Committee is again submitting a series of blog articles regarding a topic of common interest. Domains of wellness are variably defined and may be con...
Mental Health and Wellness in Surgery: An Upcoming Tweetchat
By Dr. Scarlett Hao and Dr. Halle Ellison A critical point to address when discussing wellness is the lack of shared understanding in the language we use to think and talk about wellness. We use word...
Staying Well While Treating the Sick
By Dr. Brienne Ryan Trying to stay well is no easy feat in the time of COVID, for both those in the medical field and those not. Many of us who have weathered the oscillating storms of this virus ove...
Maintaining Wellbeing Amidst the Fear and Uncertainty of COVID-19
By Taylor S. Riall With the COVID crisis upon us, we are being called upon to be our best as we navigate this uncharted territory. To be our best, we must take care of ourselves, which is challenging...
“How do you envision your family looking?”
My face crumpled up and tears erupted from my eyes as soon as the young doctor in front of me asked this question. I reflexively reached for a Kleenex to cover up my face and erase the signs of weakne...
The Myth of the Young, Healthy Physician-in-Training
Surgical residents are in an often unrecognized position—encouraging and reminding patients to see their primary doctor for regular preventative health tests and cancer screening. Rotations on vario...
An Open Letter to AWS Members from Communications Committee
Two years ago, a friend and mentor approached me and asked me to help manage the communications team for AWS. Like I do with most things, I approached this with gusto. I got organized, made lists, set...
Hurricane Season: A Family Affair
News of hurricane Irma came on the heels of witnessing the heroism and devastation of hurricane Harvey in Texas. Yes heroism. Natural disasters do not discriminate and we have witnessed people of a...