Tag: WomenSurgeons


Growing Up Iranian-American

26 May 2024

Sophie Dream, MD, MPH   My father moved to Chicago at a young age.  He and his father had applied for him to get a visa to come to the United States to further his education.  The day my father’...


Being Vulnerable is Human; Even for Surgeons

08 May 2024

By: Cathy Hung In the earlier years of my career, I always tried to accommodate patients’ needs anytime, all the time, whenever possible. I opened my office many times off-hours at the slightest...


“Dear Intern”, welcome to residency!

20 Jun 2022

By Camila R. Guetter Dear soon-to-be interns, congratulations on finishing medical school and welcome to residency! You are about to embark upon a very challenging but rewarding journey. In residency...