Dear Pat, I just returned to my clinical rotations after completing my research years in the lab and having my first child. Before I left for the lab I was planning on a career in Cardiothoracic, T...
The Myth of the Young, Healthy Physician-in-Training
Surgical residents are in an often unrecognized position—encouraging and reminding patients to see their primary doctor for regular preventative health tests and cancer screening. Rotations on vario...
An Open Letter to AWS Members from Communications Committee
Two years ago, a friend and mentor approached me and asked me to help manage the communications team for AWS. Like I do with most things, I approached this with gusto. I got organized, made lists, set...
Dressing Your Best, Inside Out
By: Natalie Tully Every year after the post-midnight New Year’s celebrations wind down, we each start the all-too familiar process of declaring resolutions for the coming twelve months. In that s...
By JS I recently completed a 1-year hospital based fellowship that is designed to provide faculty and staff with the expertise and skills needed to advance academic careers in medical education. ...